Thank You Note-Cards with Envelopes
(Stamp Required)
$3 each
$5 each
This pillow got a new cover - with a message - creatively stitched by Mary D. using a t-shirt!
Photo Credit: Gary D.
$3 each
Bumper Stickers (Add your own message on the excess background!)
Some people are getting creative with their great re-purposing ideas!
27 inches x 27 inches
Post Cards (Stamp Required)
$7 each
Circular Stickers - Large
Also see more uses at "Also Cool To Wear"!
Circular Stickers - Small
Head Bands... Re-purposed!
Pens (Blue Ink)
$4 each
Get creative with an extra Head Band!
Photos are not to scale relative to each other or individually.
$3 for 4
$3 each
$25 each
COOL to Show!